Misaki (on the left): "hello! and welcome to
Yumeiro no Tsubasa!
Which means "Dream Colored Wings" In Japanese ^_^
I am the site mascot and I would like to introduce you to this
new site created by SakuraCherrie! (that's her internet name anyway ^^; ) It
officially started to actually get going on the first of June! ^0^ .. wow..
that's the same date when she started her large mini shop on gaia o_0 anyways, I
hope you enjoy the site and remember to read all the rules before looking at
June 24, 2005 - two new dolls are up, and a few more Dancing Dolls too since I'm completing orders at my shop ^^; Also, there is a new base, the Plushie base ^_^
June 9, 2005 - The site has just fully gotten up ^^ hopefully a few minor changes will be made to improve it, and I am already working on another base ^_^ I still have a lot to add still, but I will get to it when I have some more time... finals are coming up and all @.@;
June 1, 2005 - Site has just been setted up. A large portion of the images are not up yet on the site, but they will be put in eventually, it might take a while since I just started and I've been busy lately
© SakuraCherrie 2005